Like I told Barry last week.........this site is for the users to post whatever they want.......regardless of if it's about him, or me, or anyone else.........as long as it's legal.........
So.........after listening to your feedback about the issue........the Jen thread is now going back up...........
Nice man, I respect the decision...
You know if BK just kept is fucking big mouth shut that thread would just die out...
Now there are going to be a lot of photoshops... and his radio show will continue to plummet.
What a fucking Joke he is, he's just as bad as any of the other Gayrus.
So, wait a second. Was the email a text document or was it a .png file pasted into an email? If it was a picture then obviously it was faked. Why would a lawyer send a picture as a legal notice??? Also if you look at it, the compression artifacting look slightly different where the substituted words would be. It's very subtle but "Barry_Kirkey_is_Racist" and "PuaHate.com" are slightly sharper than the other words. Also, is Puahate registered in Chicago IL? Why would the address just have the city name and not a real street address?? Smells fishy if you ask me!
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Cause its not a real legal threat.
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It's fake dude
Also, what contractual obligations?? These are the forum rules:
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Although the administrators and moderators of PuaHate.com will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of PuaHate.com, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.
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The owners of PuaHate.com reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
Nothing here says anyting about posting pictures of this sort...
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I received it as a PDF file..........I converted to an image file so it could be read directly inside of my post...........instead of attaching the PDF file to the post......
Legal agreement between two or more parties, where each party agrees to do something. For example, a contract of employment is a legal agreement between an employer and an employee and lays out the conditions of employment. Contracts need not necessarily be written; they can be verbal contracts. In consumer law, for example, a contract is established when a good is sold.
A contract made in the proper form may be unenforceable if it is made under a mistake, misrepresentation, duress, or undue influence, or if one of the parties does not have the capacity to make it (for example, minors and people who are insane). Illegal contracts are void, including those to commit a crime or civil wrong, those to trade with the enemy, immoral contracts, and contracts in restraint of trade. Contracts by way of gaming and wagering are also void.
In a contract each party mutually obliges himself or herself to the other for exchange of property or performance for a consideration.
You just saved yourself thirty bucks for advertising.
Oh how the THOUSANDS of downloaders are going to hear about this.
Good publicity.
I hope barry doesnt have enough money to buy his paxil this month. Him minus paxil plus this situation will make for some good entertainment.
Why in the fuck would he use that lawyer guy????
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